Sunday, 26 January 2020

Dan’r mynedd pedr

Part One - Dan'r fynedd Pedr

There is a place for you here
A position will be found 
The slightest trace of pretension 
Will be sliced here and fixed in living memory 
A suffix to your name 
A pinned insect 
So that even as you shift 
Behind your mask 
In some way then changing the mask itself 
Your name will not change 
She will find a place for you here; 
in viva section of the soul 
“ you ‘as the look of a Morgan “ she said 
“you never had a mamgu down b’ there did you?”.  “ You could be a jones',  now let me think!
. There’s a lot of strangers in that street now.  
Come from chapel 'ave you?”. 
“No its not a bible but a video that’s black” 
'Get out of the rain Video Bach!' 
Under the bus shelter she calculates your life's worth.

Rectangles, cubes, shafts
Of alternating contrast 
the night valleys
shattered shadows in alley gullies
shafts of grey
shafts of moon light, 
blue light, 
sodium orange rain hazed light, 
diffused light, 
reflections in street pools. 
Wet light and silent sleeping cloud night 
shrouded mountains 
hung in the sky.  
In endless silence.  
The steady pressure of their being
and down rush of their breath 
Damp and fern scented.  
They hug the valley 
'You're not a Mason then?' 
A place will be found.

A sudden glare  
An open door at number 33 
 a pink dressing gown 
places bottles on the step 
Pauses, looks up 
Smiles in recognition 
And gone 
Whispers behind the door, there is a place for you here Between the mountains breasts, in the shadow of its breath, 
Within the hearing of its hot 
coal heart 
you will play your given part.

The village
amber necklace 
Floating delicate in the dark  
street lights strung along 
Grey rock faced terraces 
Squeezed between field and river and road 
Carved from mountain sides 
A thousand feet sheer, 
 under their cliffs 
Edged over with clouds 
That descends the slopes 
To deliver sheet rain  
Eternal rain  
Soft rain on hard lives

At night when the buses come
With work worn poor dabs back to home... 
The pubs swell 
And warm life  pounds out 
loud voices  murmerat the street. 
Everybody’s business is nobody’s and nobody’s business is everybody’s. 
Inside the terrace stones 
The blue flash and flamingo pink tv’s  flicker behind half drawn curtains 
The game show hour  
Outside the continuing of the shower crawls to heave haltingly on toward  its faltering 
drop and stops. 
The vail splits and  the slate roofs reflect the full moon’s scream and drip in silver.

Such mid night silence, such lifting
Of cloud and shinning 
Such ink  outline  brotherhood of  Mountain rock, air, flesh and stars, frame  the valleys scares.

Part three:
To walk among these scars 
To walk the one street city  
To climb out and away from its daily grind 
And ascend the back of the beast 
To look down  
At a world  away  detachedly attached 
Each house a small life 
A warm shell, a heaven and a prison cell 

At number 24 she sits in her back kitchen
 dreaming of another life.  
At number 25, her children screaming
she dreams of  fire but ‘not with him’ she sighs 
At number 44 Bryn Haf, a new life of  love and passion has begun  
In number 33 she packs, 'somewhere, anywhere but here' ‘This is no place for me here’ 
At 32 Ty Glas, Angelica feeds another spoon and  wipes his numb lips.

Between 48 and 50
a small funeral  at the capel gates
moves in the slow burn of grief.

The women cling each to each
Grown men shake such agony, 
step by step  toward the waiting grave  
The open absolute

They that yesterday loved
And laughed are gone 
Those left bereft   
tomorrow and forever 
Fall to hate

They make a jewel of it
Seething diamond hate

They learn to
hate God 
With all their poor scared hearts.

Here among the scars
the poor  harrowed  sacred  land 
Beaten barren by empire,  
leaving only blacking dust
 I walk the coal top path  
As it winds up, 
by stone walls, 
up toward the ridge 
Above the valley, 
beyond the trauma of the industrial  past
the further up I go 
the closer to fate and the Universal will, 
The faster I fall from grace in men’s eyes 
the closer to Grace I climb  

At the tidal cloud line 
In the air, wind and winter sun
 high here  
Wild here 
in the Wild West 
winding up and out of it all
out of favour 
and out of grace 
Away from gods chosen few

Here in the other world
High Anwn’s gate the mundane turns magical 

So I’m come  
To make a last ditch stand 
In this ancient druids fort 
Like the time before  
this time again 
Refusing to accept defeat and....

Down below there is a time and a place for me to go
Toward a certain faceless meeting for tea
 at number 33.

For all the  bad decisions made
All the wrongly chosen  turns 
The willed foolish acts 
The betrayal of love
The impulsive desperation 
petty faked rebellions  
vengeance thoughtless and rash 
All of it, 
every second 
Burned to cinders 
All convictions turned to utter ash

All these paths
Along which I crawled 
All led to where I now stand  

And I would walk them all again  
No matter what my birth had planned

Part Four  the end.  1982


Some unknown orchestration the clouds 

Collapse down Mynedd Pedr, 

a maelstrom of wind, hail and  steel rain, 

diffused form

shattered shape, 

Blur of  stained grey 

Smeared pail 

winter green fades

Cascades in volleys

down the valley 

buffeting gusts 

explosive on rattled windows

Water filled

Torn tormented air.

relentless rain

Everything braces

in the soaking shock and blast 

Of it.

Thunder  executes thought

time to scramble down, 

soaked to the skin,  

the cinder path of self 

Streaming rain in my hair

 In my face

 in my eyes

Along the path where

The birch and old Hawthorne blindly bend and howl.

But the mountain

Is obliviousness itself

Until it meets the self 

In oblivion.

I Dream of spring 

Dream of tomorrow 

Taught with anticipation 

As if for the first time 

nature will swell 

and fill the air 

with scent and meadow 

Nests and insects 

Seed and pollen 

Blossom spray and hanging berry

The sun itself will turn to sugars in the leaf 

the roots will mine the Minerals and place them each to each 

in each cell. 

A master chemist 

and a quantum mechanic. 

Shall make what was dead

Live again, 

alive again and new

‘I shall resurrect it all’

And turn water sun and soil 

Into nectar and nutrition.

the fecundity of the mountain

once more will pour 


And into

numinous awe.

Behind the door of 44.

Lovers deeply entwine 

Here  above the village 

the immediate Spirit 

Parts the storm

and proclaims,

immanence and 

transcendence in all frailty.

In a single promise

A single kiss

a glimmer of love 

and all of it

In a blink


ethereal lighting flash

eternal timeless delicate

so fragile. 

But here it is.

The gossamer God in the rain

She touches my cheek with silk fingers and evaporates the sky!

The storm subsidies 

And rumbles grudgingly away

A child at the end of the dripping wood, appears

 ‘ is this now?’ 

She asks me open eyed. 

is it really now?

or was it then

or will it never 

come again?

Will the syntax fall apart

Like some pathetic fallacy

A metaphor of mix

 A Simile  vivid but not similar 

A Literally illiterate life


I have been in the cities

At the court of the mundane king

Been subject to his endless reign

His cultural hegemony of concrete conceit.

and the fallen broken people.

The rich profoundly dead people

All together, 

sinking together 

all awe stripped away

seeking affirmation of each others hard fought day.

in the gray god 

it is never now 

but always ever-tomorrow 

In the village of the rain

The amber neckless

The green scare

There is place for you

The question is not 

who you might be

But what you see 

in others

In all your friends 

and lovers 

At 4.45 pm the Mountain sighs

As the land lord sleeps

Mouth aghast like the moon

His alarm clock muted 

will not ring to wake him

His wife  walks down 

moon light street

Suitecase  in hand, 

toward a warm waiting car 

She Looks over her shoulder 

To the moment where she placed

by the kitchen 


her wedding 


The village, the amber necklace,

 hears the dawn

 its heroes saints  and sinners. will soon wake again

 to run the narrative 

and take up arms again

To fight and retreat 

And bring  it on again

struggle, squeeze and ring 

the mop again 

To clean the floor

To screw an ounce of Magic

From the man made engine

of the idling day

To defeat again

the ancient reign 

of the ever present 

Samsara of the mundane 

To find the one thing

as the dawn lights the fuse of day.

To find a belonging, 

To find a place

A centre

Cynefin fyw 

To which the primal 



In all time

Sings the valley

“behold what I can do!

Behold I make all things new!”

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