Thursday, 28 March 2019


Spring in  the apparatchik world where administration rules
So you can talk to him and her to you, admin begats admin
File a kiss under A 
For anaesthetised and E for everyone 
We burnt our bridges to the sun
we crossed the land of our life, under this translucent sky
Us band of wide eyed fools
Carefree of destination or arrival.
Through the road works we drove mile on mile
Light splashed and flashed through the trees
Played on our skin and flickered in our eyes, in toward our hearts and still we raced, through suburban hell and city swell, through the surreal unreal of this our little time. Our sweet so bitter short lives. 
Counting the seconds like miles of office blocks and laughing , I am here you said, to tell you all, to shake you all and beg you all, to reach in and give it all away,
 I know what it is we all want to say 
To take off our snake skin suits, that we might
just once, 
with no obstruction
reach the finality 
and feel our existence 
in one totality.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Make it up

Make-up, mask up
hide, hidden
those who really love a women
 love her face naked, free
love their smile un-slicked
bare faced cheek
and bare faced lies
let women be themselves
not a sad Disney fantasy
to back up male inadequacy

Experience once

The flower cracks  the seed That grows the bud  And the smallest atomised grain blooms the maths of things  Joy love, fear and pain  the equ...